DOG walkers are being warned to keep their pets under control after a swan was seriously injured in Royston.
The swan, which is now being cared for at the Yorkshire Swan and Wildlife Rescue Hospital in Leeds, was reportedly attacked by a dog at Rabbit Ings Country Park.
A spokesperson said: “One of the cygnets at Rabbit Ings was recently injured. It has since been rescued by the wonderful volunteers at the Yorkshire Swan and Wildlife Rescue Hospital and is currently being seen by a vet.
“Unfortunately it is suspected that the injury was caused by a dog attack. We would like to remind everyone that uses the country park to please keep all dogs under close control, especially around the ponds and other wildlife areas.”
A spokesperson for the hospital added: “We had an arrival from Rabbit Ings this week, with an extensive and infected injury beneath the bird’s right wing.
“We want to thank locals for reporting the swan, and to our dedicated rescuers for persevering in safely capturing the bird.”