PLANS to build more than 120 homes in Goldthorpe have been officially rubber-stamped by the council – despite a number of objections from local residents.
The application, relating to the erection of 125 homes on Lockwood Road, was originally submitted in August 2021 – but plans were given the green light by the council’s planning board last week.
The council has approved the plans subject to a total of 36 different conditions, as well as a huge Section 106 agreement – monies set aside for local amenities.
The developer will have to contribute £720,000 to go towards education in the area.
This is due to the proposal generating the need for 26 primary school places and 19 secondary school places.
Around £93,000 will have to be set aside for sustainable travel, and a further £145,000 for public open space.
The report states: “The subject site of this application is a parcel of land to the north of Goldthorpe, south of the A635 and Phoenix Park.
“The subject site was previously a mixed area of grassland, vegetation, and former allotments.
“The site is subdivided by various boundary treatments and has a gentle fall in topography from north to south and has a developable area of 10.06 acres.
“The existing access to the site is from a back lane situated off Hamilton Road which leads to an unmade track within the site, however this would not be a suitable proposed access point for the development in question.
“There is an additional existing pedestrian access to the West of the site from Lockwood Road into the grassed field portion of the site.”
Each of the 125 homes will be either two, three our four-bed properties.
However, a total of seven objections had been made to the plans.
Concerns included the lack of amenities currently available in the area, a drop in house prices for nearby properties and a ‘ridiculous’ amount of housing.
The developer of the site is Gleeson Developments – a firm who have had numerous dealings with Barnsley Council’s planning board in the past.
The firm, responsible for a completed two-part estate off Lowfield Road, Bolton-upon-Dearne, had initially been refused consent for a proposed third phase on the site due to a row over the material used on its driveways which was not permitted by the council.
The row related to gravel drives, which were a breach of planning conditions to the tarmac alternative agreed on, and resulted in an £8,000 fine being issued to following an appearance at Barnsley Magistrates’ Court.