BARNSLEY’S very own horse whisperer is urging animal owners to keep their pets secure after he helped save a loose horse last weekend.

Coun Martin Morrell, who represents the Dearne North ward, found the loose horse in Goldthorpe last Saturday.

He managed to lead the horse to safety – but has urged pet owners to ensure they can keep control of their animals to ensure a similar incident doesn’t occur again.

He said: “I had just picked up Couns Sue Bellamy and Wendy Cain in Goldthorpe after they had been on a day trip with the Goldthorpe Development Group.

“As I turned into Barrowfield Road I saw a large horse walking freely down the road in the direction of Thurnscoe.

“It had obviously escaped as a large chain was dangling from its neck and it was unaccompanied.

“Barrowfield Road is connected to Doncaster Road, the route currently being used by traffic due to the A635 closure.

” I turned the car round and stopped some distance behind the horse.

“Approaching carefully so as not to scare the animal I succeeded in getting close enough to pick up the chain and the animal responded to the tension on the chain.

“The vehicles passing sensibly slowed down as they passed so as not to spook the animal.

“I led the horse up and down the road for about ten minutes.

“Would all owners of horses please ensure that they are kept securely so as not to put themselves in a position of danger and not to endanger members of the public?”