A DONATION of just under £5,000 has enabled Barnsley Hospice to buy a new piece of equipment to help inpatients.
The hospice have thanked Grocers' Hall, who donated £4,995 last year.
They have said the donation enabled them to deliver wellbeing boxes to patients who could not attend for complementary therapy due to Covid-19 restrictions at the time.
Also part-funded by the donation was a new bladder scanner - which is an important piece of equipment on their inpatient unit.
Michelle Molyneux, Charity Manager at Grocers' Hall, said: "We supported Barnsley Hospice due to the letterbox wellbeing care kit delivered to patients who could not attend the hospice due to Covid-19 social distancing rulings.
"We awarded the funding because the people being supported were highly vulnerable and experiencing unimaginable stress during the lockdowns.
"We wanted to help in any way we could."