A CARE home’s eye-catchingly literal display to raise awareness of breast cancer is turning heads in Kexborough.

The display using bras as planters at the entrance to Kexborough House was thought up by team leader Jane Penvose, who said residents were eager to contribute to the quirky project.

As well as the garments, it also features shells painted pink.

“Each month, we try to support a local fundraiser, and this is in support of Cancer Research UK,” said Jane, who also took part in the charity’s Race for Life.

“We’ve had lots of people stopping and asking what it’s about.

“We call it the ‘booby board’.

“We normally do coffee mornings and things like that, but we’ve not really done anything like this before.

“It’s a funny gimmick, but it’s generating a lot of interest within the community.

“It’s light-hearted but at the same time, raises some awareness.”