NEXT week officers will launch a campaign that tackles the dangers of drug driving.
Statistics revealed by South Yorkshire Police show that the number of convictions for drug driving continues to increase year-on-year.
In a bid to tackle the behaviour, the force will raise awareness of the issue in a week of activity next week.
Joanne Wehrle, manager of South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership, which includes South Yorkshire Police, said: “The consequences of drug driving are exactly the same as drink driving and there is absolutely no excuse.
“Not only will you be significantly increasing your chances of being involved in a collision, potentially injuring yourself and others, you are also risking other personal consequences such as a fine, losing your licence, prison and a criminal record.
“We all need to take responsibility for our actions on the road and prevent the unnecessary hurt and suffering caused by collisions."
If you’re convicted of drug driving you face a minimum one-year driving ban, an unlimited fine, up to six months in prison and a criminal record.
Your driving licence will also show you’ve been convicted for drug driving which will last for 11 years.
The penalty for causing death by dangerous driving under the influence of drugs currently stands at a prison sentence of up to 14 years.