COUNCIL bosses have deployed extra staff to clear gullies across the borough this week ahead of severe flooding warning.
Three crews from Barnsley Council usually clean the gullies on a cycle every day Monday to Friday, except when called away on gritting duties.
There are more than 50,000 roadside gullies across Barnsley’s road network.
A spokesperson for Barnsley Council said: “This week we’ve deployed extra staff to make sure extra gully cleaning takes place in areas prone to flooding.
“Keeping gullies clear helps us reduce flood risk so it is important not to park cars over them.
“Thanks to all residents who think about this when they park their cars.
“Please note, if you look down through a grate into a gully, it is normal to see water. This is similar to the ‘u bend’ in a toilet or the trap under a sink and acts like a plug to stop smells coming up.
“Only when the water reaches the grate is there an indication of a problem.”