A BARNSLEY pub has been lit up blue in appreciation of the NHS.
The Wortley Arms, in Wortley Village, is currently closed – which owner Jamie Ellis said, as well as giving him the chance to do a bit of maintenance, was a good opportunity for staff to show their support.
The pub, originally a Georgian coach house, was lit up with support from Charlie Redfearn of CFR Group.
Jamie said: “A couple of our staff have previously been trainees, and one just left after graduating early to become a full-time nurse.
“The NHS is doing a great job. We all know someone on the frontline and we want to take this opportunity to thank them.
“Hopefully people will walk or drive past, and it’ll make them smile.”
Lady Rowena Montagu Stuart Wortley, head of the Wharncliffe Estate where the pub is situated, added: “We give our whole support to all of those who are working on the front line, in whatever capacity that may be, especially to some of our very own villagers who have been working so diligently throughout this pandemic.”