A BARN has been left with thousands of pounds worth of stock destroyed following a fire.

On Monday at 6.35am, the owners of Blackmoor Farm in Oxpring were alerted to the fact that their barn was on fire and the fire brigade was called.

The crew spent most of the day tackling the blaze. An investigation has since been launched as police and fire brigade believe the fire was started deliberately.

PC Heather Brown said: “The farm is in a very remote area but does overlook the Trans Pennine trail. If anyone was out jogging or walking early on Monday morning, please think as to whether you saw anyone else in the area.

“The owners of Blackmoor Farm have lost a huge amount of valuable stock and the fire has caused extensive damage to farm buildings and equipment.

“If you saw anything, or know any information which could help us, please contact 101 quoting incident 147 of October 7.

“You can also report information anonymously via Crimstoppers 0800 555 111.”